C Program Code Solutions

Enhance your skills with real-world coding challenges and comprehensive word problem solutions for effective learning.

Problem 1 : Reverse a String

Problem Statement: 1. Write a program to reverse a string entered by the user.
Example Input: "hello"
Example Output: "olleh"


  • Strings in C are arrays of characters ending with a null character \0.

  • To reverse a string, we can swap the first character with the last, the second with the second last, and so on.

  • Use two pointers: one starting from the beginning and one from the end. Swap characters at these pointers until they meet in the middle.


Problem 2 : Palindrome Number Check

Problem Statement: Check if a given number is a palindrome.
Example Input: 121
Example Output: Palindrome


  • A number is a palindrome if it reads the same backward and forward.

  • To check this, reverse the number and compare it with the original.

  • Use modulus % to extract digits and build the reversed number.


Problem 3 : Find GCD of Two Numbers

Problem Statement: Write a program to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
Example Input: 36, 60
Example Output: 12


  • The GCD of two numbers is the largest number that divides both numbers without a remainder.

  • Use the Euclidean Algorithm:

    1. Subtract the smaller number from the larger repeatedly until one number becomes 0.

    2. The non-zero number at the end is the GCD.


Problem 4 : Sum of Digits in a Number

Problem Statement: Write a program to calculate the sum of digits in a number.
Example Input: 1234
Example Output: 10


  • Extract the last digit using modulus %.

  • Add it to a sum variable.

  • Remove the last digit using integer division / and repeat the process until the number becomes 0.


Problem 5 : Fibonacci Series

Problem Statement: Print the first n terms of the Fibonacci series.
Example Input: 5
Example Output: 0 1 1 2 3


  • The Fibonacci series is a sequence where each term is the sum of the two preceding ones.

  • Start with 0 and 1.

  • Use a loop to generate subsequent terms by adding the previous two.


Problem 6: Count Vowels in a String

Problem Statement: Write a program to count the number of vowels in a string.
Example Input: "education"
Example Output: 5


  • Loop through the string character by character.

  • Check if each character is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) either in lowercase or uppercase.


Problem 7: Find the Second Largest Element in an Array

Problem Statement: Write a program to find the second largest element in an array.
Example Input: {12, 35, 1, 10, 34, 1}
Example Output: 34


  • Traverse the array once to find the largest element.

  • Traverse again to find the largest element smaller than the first largest (i.e., the second largest).


Problem 8: Employee Salary Slip Generator

Problem Statement: Write a program to calculate the gross salary of an employee. The gross salary is calculated as:

  • Gross Salary = Basic + HRA + DA

    • HRA is 20% of Basic Salary

    • DA is 80% of Basic Salary

Example Input:
Basic Salary: 25000
Example Output:
HRA: 5000, DA: 20000, Gross Salary: 50000


  • To calculate the gross salary, compute HRA as 20% and DA as 80% of the basic salary.

  • Use simple arithmetic operations to compute the final value.


Problem 9 : Electricity Bill Calculator

Problem Statement: Write a program to calculate the electricity bill based on the following tariff:

  • First 100 units: ₹1.5/unit

  • Next 200 units: ₹2/unit

  • Above 300 units: ₹3/unit

Example Input:
Units Consumed: 350
Example Output:
Bill Amount: ₹650


  • Use conditional checks to apply the correct rate for each slab.

  • Compute the cost for units in each slab and sum them up.


Problem 10: Student Grade Calculator

Problem Statement: Write a program to calculate the grade of a student based on their marks:

  • Marks >= 90: Grade A

  • Marks >= 80 and <90: Grade B

  • Marks >= 70 and <80: Grade C

  • Marks >= 60 and <70: Grade D

  • Marks < 60: Grade F

Example Input:
Marks: 85
Example Output:
Grade: B


  • Use conditional statements to evaluate the range in which the marks fall.

  • Assign the corresponding grade based on the range.


Problem 11: Currency Denomination Calculator

Problem Statement: Write a program to calculate the minimum number of notes required for a given amount. Consider the denominations: ₹2000, ₹500, ₹200, ₹100, ₹50, ₹20, ₹10, ₹5, ₹1.

Example Input:
Amount: 2673
Example Output:
₹2000: 1, ₹500: 1, ₹100: 1, ₹50: 1, ₹20: 1, ₹1: 3


  • Start with the largest denomination and calculate the number of notes by dividing the amount by the denomination.

  • Reduce the amount by the value of these notes and repeat for the next smaller denomination.


Problem 12: Banking System - Simple Interest Calculator

Problem Statement: Write a program to calculate the simple interest for a loan. The formula is:
Simple Interest (SI) = (Principal Rate Time) / 100

Example Input:
Principal: 10000
Rate: 5
Time: 2
Example Output:
Simple Interest: ₹1000


  • Use the formula directly for computation.

  • Read the principal amount, rate of interest, and time from the user.


Problem 13: Voting Eligibility Checker

Problem Statement: Write a program to check if a person is eligible to vote.
Eligibility Criteria: Age must be 18 or above.

Example Input:
Age: 16
Example Output:
Not Eligible to Vote


  • Use a conditional statement to check if the age is 18 or greater.


Problem 14: Factorial of a Number

Problem Statement: Write a program to calculate the factorial of a number.
Example Input:
Number: 5
Example Output:
Factorial: 120


  • Factorial of a number is the product of all integers from 1 to that number.

  • Use a loop to calculate the product iteratively.
